18 & Under World 100s
Gulf Swimming
Level 4
Excellence 300

Woodlands Swimming Group Descriptions

Short Course 2024-2025

Learn to swim to National Performance

The Woodlands Swim Team is dedicated to creating a safe community where every athlete has the resources to maximize individual and team success through hard work, encouragement, growth, and change.

Non-Competitive Groups

Pre-TWST – PRETWST is the swim lesson branch of The Woodlands Swim Team. Registration is done monthly.  All classes are taught by TWST USA Swimming certified coaches.  Pre-TWST is taught with the goal of joining either our competitive team or non-competitive Gators.

Level 1 – Prerequisites:  Ages 3-8. Swimmers must be able to follow directions in a group setting, Swimmers must not be fearful of water and must be comfortable going underwater and floating.

Curriculum:  This class has an in-water instructor. Classes are taught to the ability level of each individual student.  Floating on front and back, kicking on front and back as well as swimming with arm strokes and introduction to side breathing.  Jumping in water and introduction to diving.

Combined Level - Prerequisites: Ages 3-10. This class is for novice swimmers not fearful of the water and can float and kick on front (with face in water) and back half way across a 25 yard pool.  They can take breathes to the back, front or side and continue swimming.  Focus of the class is freestyle and backstroke with some introduction to breast and fly kick. Current Level 1 swimmers must be recommended for this class by the instructor.

Curriculum:  This class has an in-water instructor and combines high level 1 and Level 2.  Focus of the class is freestyle and backstroke arms and breathing with some introduction to breast and fly kick and diving into the water.

Level 2 - Prerequisites:  Ages 5-12. This class is for swimmers who can swim on their front (with face in the water and back or side breathing) and backs unassisted the length of a 25 yard pool. Current Combined Level and Level 1 Swimmers must be recommended for this class by the instructor.

Curriculum:  Swimmers will refine their freestyle & backstroke. Swimmers will be introduced to Breaststroke and Butterfly with the goal of joining either our competitive team (TWST) or non-competitive team (Gators).  Diving and swim team drills and training is introduced. 


Gators Group – Gators is a group that is perfect for all levels of athlete from high school swimmers wanting extra training to younger swimmers who can only swim freestyle and backstroke. The goal of Gators is to provide a fun place for athletes to learn to swim at any level and prepare those swimmers to compete for TWST.  At any time, please notify the Gators Head Coach if you would like your swimmer evaluated for TWST year round competitive team readiness.

For all REGISTERED Gator athletes, the first Monday of every session will be a time trial day for lane placement. The swimmers will do 25s of all 4 competition strokes, a 50 freestyle, and some swimmers will do the 100 IM and the 100 freestyle to help the coaches assess and place the athletes in the correct training lanes.

Gators is broken into three groups based on the needs and abilities of the athlete:

Gator 1: is a training focused group that will do more specific stroke-based instruction in the framework of a TWST practice. The goal is to prepare your athlete to make the jump to TWST, or to perform on their high school team.

Gator 2: is a technique focused group for the swimmer that is ready to start training as well. This group will focus on refining all 4 strokes, as well as flip turns, and start to teach the basics of being in a swim practice to prepare the swimmer to move onto TWST, or into Gator 1.

Gator 3: is a technique focused group for the swimmers that are new or have not been in the water for a while. Learning to legally do all 4 strokes will be the goal of Gator 3 and a coach will be in the water one day a week to help facilitate this goal.


Competitive Team

The competitive branch of TWST if designed for athletes seeking to become fully committed to swimming as their chosen sport. Athletes who are part of the competitive program at the Challenge levels and up will look to participate in all team scheduled competitions, local, state, and national level travel opportunities.


TWST Foundations –Bridges young athletes from swim lessons and summer club swimming to a competitive year-round swimming environment. Learning TWST values and how to be part of a team.

Foundation White – Foundation White group bridges young athletes from swim lessons and summer club swimming to a competitive year-round swimming environment.  Swimmers will be USA Swimming registered and will compete in USA Swimming meets. Swimmers are encouraged to participate in all our home swim meets, while other meets are optional.

Practices include:

  • Four competitive strokes, turns, breathing patterns, balance, and streamlining
  • 3 x 45-60-minute practices per week
  • Attend a minimum of one practice every week

Attend three to four practices every two weeks for optimal results and skill retention


Foundation Green – for swimmers with some experience through another USA swimming program or summer league. Games and drills are used to create good habits and to keep swimming fun. Foundation Green swimmers are encouraged to participate in all our home swim meets, while other meets are optional.

Practices include:

  • Four competitive strokes, starts, turns, breathing patterns, balance, and streamlining
  • 3 x 45-60 minute practices per week
  • Attend a minimum of one practice every week
  • Attend three to four practices every two weeks for optimal results and skill retention.


Foundation Black – age 7-10 –Conditioning and aerobic training will be emphasized. Swimmers should exhibit leadership skills in and out of the pool. Foundation Black swimmers are encouraged to participate in all our home swim meets, while other meets are optional.

Practices include:

  • Competing in all four competitive strokes, starts, turns, underwater kicking, mastery of balance techniques, group and individual goal setting, and race strategy
  • 4 x 60- to 75-minute practices per week (60-minute in-water & 15-minute dryland)
  • Attend a minimum of three practices every two weeks
  • Attend three to four practices per week for optimal results and skill retention


TWST Challenge – athletes who are ready for a more competitive experience. Athletes will learn the value of hard work, setting goals, and how to overcome obstacles and failure.

Challenge White – age 11-13 –Conditioning and aerobic training will be emphasized. Swimmers should exhibit leadership skills in and out of the pool. We expect a wide range of physical, mental, and motivational levels in this group. Athletes in this group have the option of participating in other sports with the understanding that a certain level of commitment is still required to develop age appropriate skills in the sport of swimming. Challenge White swimmers participate in all our home swim meets, while other meets are encouraged but optional.

Challenge White swimmers will be able to complete 50’s freestyle on 1:10 interval, legal 100’s IM on 2:30 interval, and 50’s kick on 1:20 interval.

Practices include:

  • Competing in all four competitive strokes, starts, turns, underwater kicking, mastery of balance techniques, group and individual goal setting, and race strategy
  • 5 x 75-90 minute practices per week (60-75-minute in-water & 15-minute dryland)
  • Attend a minimum of three practices every two weeks
  • Attend three to four practices per week for optimal results and skill retention.


Challenge Green – Primarily for athletes aged 9-11 – Challenge Green group is for swimmers who are invited into the group by their coach’s discretion or meets these competitive standards:

  • Gulf Champs participation individually or as part of relays
  • IMX score of at least 800 points
  • IM Ready score of 1000 points

Practice goals are geared toward achieving Gulf Swimming time standards and National A time standards and beyond. Swimmers will exhibit leadership skills in and out of the pool and represent TWST to the best of their ability. Challenge Green swimmers should understand the importance of being on time for warm-ups and practices. Swimmers need to demonstrate an ability to balance activities and school with swimming. Challenge Green swimmers participate in all our home swim meets and their highest championship meet, while other meets are strongly encouraged.

Challenge Green swimmers will be able to complete up to 10 x 100’s freestyle SCY on 1:50 interval, up to 8 x 100’s IM SCY on 2:20 interval, and 50’s kick SCY on 1:10 interval.

Practices include:

  • Competing in all four competitive strokes, starts, turns, underwater kicking, mastery of balance techniques, group and individual goal setting, and race strategy
  • 6 x 75- to 90-minute practices per week (75- in water & 15- to 30-minute dryland)
  • Attend a minimum of six in-water practices every two weeks
  • Attend all practices for optimal results and skill retention


Challenge Black –Challenge Black is for swimmers primarily ages 11-13 (or 8th grade) who are invited into the group by their coach’s discretion or meets these competitive standards:

  • Gulf Champs participation individually
  • 11-12 IMX score of at least 1000 points
  • 10 and under IMX score of at least 1500 points
  • Power point ranking of over 600 points in an event 100 yards or longer

Practice goals are geared toward achieving 11-12 Texas Age Group State times, National AAA time standards and beyond. Swimmers will exhibit leadership skills in and out of the pool and represent TWST to the best of their ability. Challenge Black swimmers should understand the importance of being on time for warm-ups and practices and have the desire to improve their swimming. The concept of mental training and race preparation are introduced in this group. Swimmers need to demonstrate an ability to balance activities and school with swimming.

Challenge Black swimmers participate in all our home swim meets and their highest championship meet. Additional meets are strongly encouraged and will be used to help gauge future placement.

Challenge Black swimmers will be able to complete 8 x 200’s freestyle SCY on 3:10 interval, legal 5 x 200’s IM SCY on 3:30 interval, and 5 x 100’s kick SCY on 2:00 interval.

Practices include:

  • Competing in all four competitive strokes, starts, turns, underwater kicking, mastery of balance techniques, group and individual goal setting, and race strategy
  • 6 x 90 to 105-minute practices per week (90- in-water & 30- minute dryland)
  • Attend a minimum of 8 in-water practices every two weeks.
  • Attend all practices for optimal results and skill retention


Senior Challenge –Senior Challenge group is for swimmers ages 13+. Physical and technical skills will be taught to help the athlete develop and progress into the performance program. Athletes in this group continue to evolve learning to train. We expect a wide range of physical, mental, and motivational levels in this group and will coach according to the needs of everyone. Athletes in this group have the option of participating in other sports with the understanding that a certain level of commitment is still required to develop skills. Senior Challenge swimmers participate in all our home swim meets and their highest championship meet, while other meets are strongly encouraged.

Practices include:

  • Competing in all four competitive strokes, starts, turns, underwater kicking, mastery of balance techniques, group and individual goal setting, and race strategy
  • Up to 6 x 90 minute practices per week
  • Minimum attendance of 60% required
  • Attend all practices for optimal results and skill retention


TWST Performance – athletes 13 and over who are ready to perform at their highest level. Performance athletes are committed to realizing their competitive potential and taking the steps to becoming the best athletes they can be.

Performance White – The Performance White group is for swimmers ages 13 years and older (8th grade and up) who are invited to the group at their coach’s discretion or meet these competitive standards

  • 13–14-year-old with IMX over 1000 points or IMR score over 1500
  • 15 and older IMX score of at least 800 points or IMR score over 1000

Practice goals are geared toward making National A times, Gulf Age Group Champs, and HS Varsity teams and HS District meets. Athletes should understand the importance of being on time for warm-ups and practices and have the desire to improve their swimming. Athletes need to demonstrate an ability to balance activities and school with swimming.

Performance White swimmers will be able to complete 8 x 200’s freestyle on 3:00 interval, legal 5 x 200’s IM on 3:20 interval, and kick 5 x 100’s on 1:50 interval.

Practices include:

  • Competing in all four competitive strokes, starts, turns, underwater kicking, mastery of balance techniques, group and individual goal setting, and race strategy
  • Six 90-105 -minute practices per week (including Dryland 2-3x per week)
  • Minimum attendance of 60%
  • Attend all practices for optimal results and skill retention


Performance Green – for swimmers generally 13-14 years old who are invited to the group at their coach’s discretion or meet these competitive standards

  • 11-12 IMX over 2500 points or 13-14 IMX score of 2000
  • 3+ Gulf Age Group Champ qualifying times
  • Power point ranking of 500 points in an event 200 yards or longer

Practice goals are geared toward achieving Speedo Southern Premier, National AAA time standards, and (13-14) Texas Age Group State times. Swimmers will exhibit leadership skills in and out of the pool and represent TWST to the best of their ability. Athletes should understand the importance of being on time for warm-ups and practices and have the desire to improve their swimming. The concept of mental training and race preparation are introduced in this group. Athletes need to demonstrate an ability to balance activities and school with swimming.

Performance Green athletes will participate in all our home swim meets and their highest championship meet. Additional meets are strongly encouraged and will be used to help gauge future placement.

Performance Green swimmers will be able to complete 8 x 200’s freestyle SCY on 2:40 interval, 8 x 200’s IM SCY on 3:00 interval, and kick 10 x 100’s SCY on 1:45 interval.

Practices include:

  • Challenge Black Curriculum as well as increase mental training and race preparation skills
  • 6 x 105-135 minute practices per week (90-105 minutes in water and 30 minutes dryland
  • Minimum attendance of 75% required, 100% recommended


Performance Black – athletes who are generally 15 years and older who is invited into the group by their coach’s discretion or meet these competitive standards:

  • 14-year-old with IMX over 3500 points
  • 15 and older IMX score of at least 2500 points
  • Power point ranking of 600 points in an event 200 yards or longer

This group is expected to be a cohesive training group that works together to assist the most dedicated and motivated athletes to reach their individual goals and expand those goals. Practices are geared toward achieving Texas Age Group State standards (13-14) and Texas Sectional standards and beyond. Swimmer will exhibit leadership skills in and out of the pool and represent TWST to the best of their ability. Swimmers will challenge themselves in practice and need to demonstrate an ability to balance school and swimming.

Performance Black swimming will participate in all our home swim meets and their highest championship meet. Additional meets are strongly encouraged and will be used to help gauge future placement.

Performance Black swimmers will be able to complete 10 x 200’s freestyle SCY on 2:30 interval, 10 x 200’s IM SCY on 2:50 interval, and kick 10 x 100’s SCY on 1:45 interval.

Practices include:

  • Performance Green Curriculum as well as increase mental training and race preparation skills
  • 6 x 90–150-minute practices per week (90-120 minutes in water and 30 minutes dryland)
  • Minimum attendance of 75% required, 100% recommended.


National Performance – HS Athletes generally 14+ years and older who are invited into the group at their coach’s discretion and/or meet these competitive standards:

  • Girls
    • 3 Texas sectional qualifying times
    • Minimum IMX score of at least 3500
    • Power point ranking over 700 points in an event 200 or longer
  • Boys
    • 3 Texas sectional qualifying times
    • Minimum IMX score of 3000
    • Power point ranking of over 700 points in an event 200 or longer

This group will be a cohesive group that will work together to assist the most dedicated and motivated swimmers reach their individual goals and expand those goals. Practice goals are geared toward achieving USA junior national (winter and summer) times and beyond. Athletes will have clearly defined goals, high aspirations, good time management skills and a willingness to pursue their dreams and goals. National Group athletes will participate in all home swim meets and the designated end of season meet championship meet.

National Performance swimmers will be able to complete 10 x 200’s freestyle SCY on 2:20 interval, 10 x 200’s IM SCY on 2:30 interval, and kick 10 x 100’s SCY on 1:30 interval.

Practices include:

  • Performance Green and Black curriculum as well as increased endurance training
  • During school year - 6 105-120 minute in water practices and 4 30-45 minute dryland practices on in water practice days
  • During Summer – 8-9 120 minute in water practices and 4 30-45 minute dryland practices on in water days
  • 100% attendance expected; 80% required to stay in the group